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Iʻm on the U.S. mainland.  How do I place an order and pay for it?

     Due to the pandemic, we regret that we are unable to ship our plants off-island.  We will be working with another certified nursery who IS interested in shipping our plants, but we wonʻt know anything for sure for a while.  My fingers are crossed!

     If it turns out that our mainland and outer island friends will be able to receive our plants, I will joyously announce that on the home page of this website.  Mahalo for your understanding.  DARN COVID!!!


     We spend hundreds of hours (not to mention thousands of dollars) each year hybridizing beautiful new hibiscus for your enjoyment.  We only keep a small percentage of the plants that we create, so that we ensure that only the strongest and most beautiful are part of our collection.  We do not receive large royalties for any of our hybridizing efforts.  By being the exclusive nursery selling the plants we create, we can be certain that you are getting the highest quality plants grown under the best conditions.


Because of that, we request that you NOT clone any of our plants for commercial resale without express written permission from Jill Coryell, hybridizer and owner of Hibiscus Lady Nursery.


On rare occasions we do give permission for another nursery to sell our plants if they agree to grow them under optimum conditions. There is a small royalty if we grant permission.  Please contact Jill at: for more information.



Can I clone the plants I buy from you and sell them?

     Until such times as the Covid numbers drop a great deal, we regret that we are not allowing visitors to the physical nursery.  This decision is to protect ourselves and our customers.  

     Our beloved customers are ordering from this website or emailing me (my name is Jill) at: with their order.  Once I have verified that we do in fact have the plant(s) that they want, we email you an invoice.  If it meets with your approval, we talk by phone for confirmation of your order and to get your credit card number.  I write that number down, put it in my Square account, then shred the paper on which I wrote to make sure no one can hack your information.

     At a pre-arranged time, you will be able to pick up your order at the entrance to the nursery, completely contactlessly. 

     We accept cash, checks, or credit cards.


I live on Oʻahu.  How do I purchase a plant from Hibiscus Lady Nursery?

The best way is to send an e-mail to Jill at:


You are also welcome to call us, but please be aware that Hawaiʻi is 3 hours earlier than the U.S. West Coast, 6 hours earlier than the U.S. East coast.  Therefore, if you are on the mainland, please call us after 10 a.m. Pacific time or after 1 p.m. Eastern time.  Our number is:  (808) 637-9995.


Hawaiʻi people:  feel free to call any time after 7 a.m. Hawaii Standard Time!


How do I contact you with a question?

Due to the pandemic, we are not currently shipping our plants to the neighbor islands (or to the mainland).     


However, if you are from the outer islands and are visiting Oʻahu, you are allowed to take our plants back to your island when you head home, but you must make a quick stop at the airport Department of Agriculture first.  Please call us for more information:  (808) 637-9995.

I live on the outer (Hawaiian) islands.  How do I get Hibiscus Lady plants?

The best way to avoid pests altogether is to give the underside of all leaves a hard spray of water several times a week.  You are blasting off newly arrived pests plus any eggs they may have laid.


You can take a digital picture of the pest or of the affected leaf/leaves and attach it to an e-mail sent to:


We are usually able to identify the problem from the digital picture and send you instructions on how to bring your plant back to good health.


What do I do if my plants develop a pest problem?




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